03\/03\/2025 - 3 Things You Can Do (before transmittal): Stand up for water, for justice, and for the environment.<\/a><\/div>
02\/24\/2025 - Things you can do: Speak up (and show up!) for climate, protecting water, and commonsense energy bills.<\/a><\/div>
02\/17\/2025 - 3 Things: Support a good renewable bill, advocate for utility liability in wildfires, and two more MEPA bills<\/a><\/div>
02\/10\/2025 - 3 Things You Can Do: Help us stop a bill in the Senate, and help protect the Cabinets from mining.<\/a><\/div>
02\/03\/2025 - 3 Things You Can Do: Speak up for MEPA and our right to a clean and healthful environment!<\/a><\/div>
01\/27\/2025 - 3 Things: Comment and testify on bills that impact our climate and land use.<\/a><\/div>
01\/20\/2025 - Things You Can Do: Speak up for local government, impartial courts, and our climate.<\/a><\/div>
01\/13\/2025 - 3 Things You Can Do: Keep transparency in planning and keep explosive lines out of right-of-ways<\/a><\/div>
01\/06\/2025 - So it begins! Today's the first day of the 2025 Legislative Session.<\/a><\/div>
10\/22\/2024 - 3 Things You Can Do: Stand up for our Climate!<\/a><\/div>
06\/10\/2024 - 3 Things You Can Do: Speak out against a corrupt coal mining company; support climate considerations in MEPA; and save the date for upcoming events<\/a><\/div>
05\/28\/2024 - 3 Things You Can Do: Sign a petition for clean air, and submit comments about protecting clean water and including climate in MEPA.<\/a><\/div>